Main Campus in Denton, Health Science Campuses in Dallas and Houston
The nation’s largest university primarily for women, TWU prepares students for success in a global society.
Learn how to design and create merchandise for manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers in preparation for a career in apparel and accessory design or production.
Engage in learning creative principles and making visual art to prepare for career in fine art, graphic design, commercial art, and more.
Prepare for a wide range of career options in business from accounting and management to marketing and statistics.
Work with local businesses to build and implement marketing plans to prepare for positions in product development, market research, management, social media and brand building.
Prepare to work with diverse populations, including students with exceptional needs, English Language Learners and more with the TWU Teacher Education Program.
Be an elementary school educator who can teach all subjects through sixth grade and teach students for whom English is a second language.
Take charge of your own health and help individuals and communities do the same with a career as a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES).
Help people improve their overall health through fitness with courses in exercise testing and physiology, sports and fitness management, and sports nutrition.
Conduct and present research on the local, national and international level guided by faculty who foster your development as a scholar.
Prepare for a career as a social worker with courses in human behavior and the social environment, social welfare and policy, and skills of intervention.
Build a strong foundation of skills and knowledge to focus on a career in Database Administration, Software Development, Hardware and Robotics, or Information Architecture.
Prepare for careers in data science with four tracks of study allowing you to select from a variety of degree plans customized to your needs.
Texas Woman’s University is a Parent Promise college.